Monday, 21 February 2011 09:42

Avoiding Wrong Jobs

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Some people languish for years in the wrong job, when they could be doing something they really enjoy. Don’t let this be you!  Here are a quick checklist that helps you find out whether you should consider a career move!


  • Take a moment to write down the skills and abilities you think are necessary for you to have pride in your job. Accept what you can and can’t do, and be honest.
  • Check with your co-workers and get their ideas – they may see skills you have that you don’t see for yourself.
  • After you’ve come up with a reasonable list, mark the skills and abilities you already possess.
  • Then, go through it again and place an “X” next to those you don’t have, but would like to develop. Think about the training you need to develop those job skills and where you might be able to get it.
  • Do research into local and national trade schools, adult education classes, vocational rehabilitation agencies, specialized seminars and workshops.
  • Could your present company have on-the-job training in a field you are more interested in? Talk to your employer about wanting additional job-related training. Some employers are delighted at the prospect of upgrading their work force and are willing to assist in terms of time off and tuition remission.
Read 185 times Last modified on Wednesday, 16 March 2011 07:08

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