De-Clutter to De-Stress

ClutterIt has often been said that clutter clutters the mind and the soul. Organization (or lack of it) spills out into other areas of your life and can greatly influence your stress levels. Clearing out your closet and getting rid of things you don’t need can help you clear your mind. Here are a few quick tips and inspirations to motivate you to declutter your life.


1. If you buy something new, get rid of something old. Donate it or sell it.

2. Don’t get too attached to things. At the end of the day, it is just stuff. Get rid of it.

3. Have a home for everything, such as a basket in the entryway for car keys and wallets, or a drawer for hardware. Get in the habit of putting stuff in its proper “home.”

4. Think vertically. If you do not have much storage space, install shelves.

5. Have a special drawer for mail and papers that need to be addressed. If you can’t sort through paperwork right this moment, put your papers inside a drawer so that they do not clutter, for example, your kitchen table.

6. Don’t purchase something unless you absolutely love it. Otherwise, it will simply take up space.

7. When you decorate any space, find items that are both functional and beautiful. For example, a beautiful vintange trunk is decorative, but can also be used to store other things, such as an air mattress and extra bedsheets.

8. Go through your closet at least twice a year, ideally autumn and spring. Get rid of things you have not worn in two years.

9. Pay attention to your surroundings. In your office, place a few objects, photos, or accessories that make you smile. Then get rid of anything else that you don’t use or need.

10. Don’t purchase something just because it is on sale or a good value.

Does anyone have any other thoughts or inspiration on how to declutter and get organized?

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