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5 Ways to Relieve Your Stress and Not Worry about Your Disability All the Time
The disabled are under tremendous pressure to lead a normal life in spite of the physical challenges they will have to face, while doing so. For many, life becomes one long stressful experience that they have to face day in and day out. One of the reasons why they are unable to relieve…
Are Your Employees Stressed Out? 5 Ways You Can Help Them De-Stress
The rat race of corporate life, the pressure of targets, and our technology-driven lifestyles have resulted in employees feeling more and more stressed out due to a mix of personal and work-related reasons. There’s little recuperation going on at home too, where it’s very easy to get sucked into online or mobile…
How You Can Fight Multitasking to Avoid Stress
Multi-tasking is a great way to get stuff done, but it also leads to a lot of stress. One of the best ways to reduce the stress in your work day is to just focus on one task, and leave multitasking for your coworkers. But how can you fight…
Northbound treatment services drug treatment
Northbound treatment services drug treatment NTS proudly offers a full-service educational program combining treatment and college-accredited classes called the Sober Academy, created specifically for individuals in recovery desiring to begin, continue or complete their educational goals. …
De-Clutter to De-Stress
It has often been said that clutter clutters the mind and the soul. Organization (or lack of it) spills out into other areas of your life and can greatly influence your stress levels. Clearing out your closet and getting rid of things you don’t need can help you clear your mind….
How Patience Can Empower Your Life
As a psychiatrist, patience is an invaluable skill that I teach all my psychotherapy clients. In my book Emotional Freedom I emphasize the importance of patience as a coping skill and how to achieve it. Frustration is not the key to any door. Patience is a lifelong spiritual practice as well…
Five Ways to De-Stress in One Minute
Sometimes we don’t have time for a yoga class or a relaxing walk. We need easy tools that we can rely on to quickly destress. Here are five low maintentance things that you can do to help relieve stress no matter where you are: 1. Take a deep breath. Deep breathing…
Stress Relief: Recognize Good Intentions
Hustling through an airport, I stopped to buy some water. At the shop’s refrigerator, a man was bent over, loading bottles into it. I reached past him and pulled out one he’d put in. He looked up, stopped working, got a bottle from another shelf, and held it out to me,…
Life Lessons for Stress Relief
I recently came across an article in the Huffington Post called “10 Valuable Life Lessons.” I started thinking about how many of these lessons relate to stress relief. Here are a few insights: 1. Change is the only constant in life. As humans, we naturally resist change. We must remember that…
Stress Relief: Drop the “Shoulds”
One time I watched a three-year-old at her birthday party. Her friends were there from preschool, and she received lots of presents. The cake came out, she admired the pink frosting rose at its center, and everyone sang. One of the moms cut pieces and without thinking sliced right through the…
10 Amusing Stress Relief Quotes
Sometimes a little irony and a smile helpes relieve our daily stress levels. Here are ten of our favorite stress relief quotes that we find amusing: 1. “Reality is the leading cause of stress for those in touch with it.” – Jane Wagner2. “I’ve tried yoga, but I find stress less…
The Feeble Pursuit of Happiness
You will never live a perfectly happy life. There will always be unfulfilled dreams, wishes, and promises. There are many times of frustrations and tensions in life. These isn’t to bring you down – au contraire!Yes, we all want to be happy. We do ridiculous things we believe will make us…
Stress Relief: 10 Steps to Build Your Self-Esteem
One of the keys to handling personal stress is to build your self-esteem. Here are 10 specific steps you can take to gain confidence, get in touch with reality, and reduce stress: 1. Write a list of ten things you like about yourself. Acknowledge the things you did well today….
Negativity: The Enemy of Stress Relief Featured
We all know someone who is constantly, persistently negative, about everything. Chronic negativity can be crippling in more ways than one. Have you found yourself being more negative than usual lately? If so, a more optimistic outlook on life is essential to becoming stress resistant and reaching your goals. Optimism is…
Strategies to Stop Taking On Other People’s Stress and Negativity Featured
We have all experienced people in our lives who, every time we see or speak to them, we are left feeling drained, negative, and more stressed. While it is important to encourage, support, and listen to friends when they are going through difficult times, there are instances when people are constantly…
Stress Reduction: The Value of Budgeting Featured
In coping with stress and the demands and pressures of life, money can be a powerful resource. But when income is inadequate to meet basic expenses, it can lead to chronic worry about the future. Living beyond your means, impulse buying, unusual obligations, or job loss are just a few of…
Inspirational Quotes for Dealing with Work Stress Featured
A few weeks ago we put together a selection of our favorite stress relief quotes. Since then, we have found a few more that have inspired us as well, all of which can be applied to the theme of “Work Stress.” Enjoy! 1. “If you’re doing your best, you won’t…
Relax, You’ve Arrived Featured
We spend so much of our time trying to get somewhere. Part of this comes from necessity. To an extent, we must be goal-directed, leaning into the future. It’s certainly healthy to pursue wholesome aims, like paying the rent on time, raising children well, improving education. But it’s also important to…
Developing Cognitive Skills Part 3: 4 Practical Tips to Calm Your Mind Featured
As we have discussed previously in this series, a calm yet alert mind is most able to receive input, to make judgments, to relate well with others, and to concentrate on tasks. Most people find it easier to relax the body than to relax the mind. As the body relaxes, the…
Stress Reduction: The Benefits of Showing Affection
Research has shown that people who regularly give and receive affection live longer, are healthier, and report a higher quality of life than those who do not. Even having a plant to take care of has been shown to improve health. Gentle, caring touch is therapeutic. One study showed that elders…
Expert Strategies for Behavior Changes Featured
“If you want to get what you’ve always got, do what you’ve always done”. Habits can include patterns of doing, thinking, reacting emotionally, speaking or relating to people. Some habits are useful and keep us from having to decide every time how to do something. Other habits are damaging and…
Our 15 Favorite Stress Reducing Quotes Featured
Sometimes we just need to hear something encouraging to help put things into perspective. Here are our 15 favorite stress reducing quotes. 1. “Slow down and everything you are chasing will come around and catch you.”–John De Paola 2. “Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is…
upset, lost and feeling alone.
It seems everything now causes me stress to the point that I tried the other day to jump out of a car traveliing 60miles an hour. Was I thinking, no probably not, but I am at my ropes end. I have no support net-work through my family, no close…
Time Management and Overcoming Procrastination Featured
One of the most frequently endorsed stress items is “Not enough time to get things done”. Time pressures from too many demands are a frequent source of stress. Managing your time effectively can then free you up to enjoy other activities. The three P’s of time management are plan, prioritize and…
Immediate Stress Relief Checklist Featured
Sometimes there are moments when our stress levels get so high, we feel overwhelmed and cannot think straight. In times like these, we need to have effective strategies that we know will calm us down quickly. Here are 6 steps that can offer immediate stress relief, so that we can go…
5 Simple Exercises to Gain Emotional Freedom Featured
As a psychiatrist, I realize that comparing is a natural tendency we all have. It can be absolutely neutral, as when you merely evaluate similarities and differences. Such comparison is essential for astute reasoning. It’s also productive if you’re inspired to emulate another’s impressive traits. However, it becomes dysfunctional when it…
Developing Cognitive Skills Part 2: Keep a Thought Record Featured
We have described several different ways to become aware of and regulate the direction of your thoughts. Some thoughts, however, are persistent, habitual, and return over and over to upset us. Often these include vague fears, images of catastrophe, the critical voice of a parent or teacher, or bad memories. These…
Designing Spaces for Stress Relief – Part One of Two
When it comes to stress relief and mood, we should remember that the decor, layout, and design of our homes and workspaces have a profound affect on our thoughts, feelings and behaviors. Architecture, color, lighting, windows and greenery can calming, restorative, or energizing effects. This blog will focus on color, lighting,…
Does Music Help You Reduce Stress?
There is much evidence to suggest that music has a profound effect on our emotions and stress levels. The latest research suggests that rhythms and beats effectively rewire the brain, helping stressed out patients think clearly and feel calmer and more in control. The following article cites several studies…
Developing Cognitive Skills Part 1: Calming the Mind Featured
A calm yet alert mind is most able to receive input, to make sound judgments, to relate well with others, and to concentrate on tasks. However, most people find it easier to relax the body than to relax the mind. I am going to share several powerful strategies for calming the mind…
Healthy Living and Stress Reduction Strategies from Other Cultures
In today’s fast paced society, stress seems like an inevitable part of lfe. Although some stress in unavoidable, other cultures seem to have a better handle on relaxation, leisure, and balance. Here are a few tips from cultures around the globe who live healthier lives well into their later years: IcelandIceland…
Stress Reduction Advice: Avoid the Rush Featured
As I was meditating this morning, our cat hopped up in my lap. It felt sweet to sit there with him. And yet – even though I was feeling fine and had plenty of time, there was this internal pressure to start zipping along with emails and calls and all the…
So I thought i was getting better to someone the other day pointed out that I keep pitching my neck now that they have said it I found myself everytime I get stressed I’m doing it I’m not doing it hard that it hurting me but for some resson it carmes…
Your Tension Tachometer Featured
Your Tension Tachometer Use the following technique to increase your awareness of your body’s reaction to stress. The technique helps you quantify your level of activity – mental, physical, or biological. Think back over the last few days. Remember times when you felt relaxed and calm, and times when you felt…
An Epidemic of Depression Part 4 of 4 Featured
Situational Depression In some instances, depression is situational. Loss of a loved one, illness or job loss creates circumstances that are painful. Working through the loss is more healing than medicating the pain. It is essential to address the underlying causes and not simply suppress the symptoms. The difficulty is that…
The Energy of Food: Tips for Dealing with Stress and Weight Loss Featured
As a psychiatrist I know that there is more to overeating and obesity than meets the eye. Genetics play a role, as do hormonal and psychological triggers. However, one big reason that many diets fail is that traditional weight-loss programs don’t factor in how we process energy. Sensitive people, whom I…
An Epidemic of Depression Part 3 of 4 Featured
Is Our Society Manufacturing Depressed People? A dominant theme in our society is that you should be happy, and if you’re not, there’s something wrong with you. Life can be difficult at times. It is in the labeling of people as depressed that the greatest injustice is done. I’m not suggesting…
Inman Oasis
For those of you living in the Boston area, I highly recommend The Inman Oasis in Cambridge for all of your relaxation needs. They have massage therapy as well as wonderful hot tubs you can soak in while listening to soothing music. Also, they frequently have deals with Groupon so you…
An Epidemic of Depression Part 1 of 4
Our society is in the throes of a virtual epidemic of depression. The numbers are quite staggering. More than twenty percent of the American population will experience at least one episode of what we refer to as clinical depression. We need to look deeper into this phenomenon to understand it and…
An Epidemic of Depression Part 2 of 4
Are People Dysfunctional? Our therapeutic community attaches labels such as dysfunctional to people and families. People are not dysfunctional; social systems are. People suffer and experience pain. We are human beings, not machines that dysfunction. Such terminology expresses contempt for the human spirit. A society that produces such staggering rates of…
5 Emergency Stress Relief Tactics Featured
Sometimes when we are extremely stressed, the last thing we want to hear is “just relax.” If it were that simple, we would all be able to handle our stress effectively. Unfortunately, many of us reach a point where we just get too overwhelmed to think clearly. For moments like that,…
New Relaxation Exercises Added to the Stress Tracker!
We have really exciting news: we have just updated the Stress Tracker app to include Progressive Muscle Relaxation Exercises and a Guided Imagery Exercise. These exercises are lead by renowned stress management experts, Dr. Lyle Miller and Dr. Alma Dell Smith, who bring to the table more than thirty years of experience…
Stress Tracker App – As Seen Around the Web!
Here are a few links bringing you recent reviews/news of our Stress Tracker App from around the web! Do you know anyone in the media who would be interested in reviewing this app? Please spread the news about the Stress Tracker! We want as many people as possible to benefit from…
Frequently Asked Questions (Stress Tracker App)
How does the Stress Tracker work? How do I record my Stress Level? How do I make entries for information that is related to my level of stress? Can I customize the information I enter? How? Am I required to enter additional information other than the level of stress? How can…
Rage Management Program Added to Stress Tracker App
Rage Control Program for Women Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed by demands, pressures, and expectations in your life? Do you wish that you could have gotten help sooner and prevented a total meltdown? Dr. Frank Lawlis, Chairman of Dr. Phil’s Scientific Advisory Council, has developed the Rage Control Program for…
What’s your favorite music for stress reduction?
Studies have shown that Pachelbel’s ‘Canon’ and Vivaldi’s ‘The Four Seasons’ have a marked effect on stress reduction. You can hear these two masterpieces below. Pachelbel’s Canon Four Seasons ~ Vivaldi Do you have a favorite song or music collection that helps you when you are under stress?…
Stress Tracker Video Tour
The Stress Tracker mobile app, developed by clinical psychologists, provides an effective tool that helps individuals track and reduce stress, and the tool is right at their fingertips at all times! The Stress Tracker app engages users, causing them to be mindful of their stress and providing them with tools and…
7 Ways for Dealing with Family Stress and Rage
Anyone with a family has dealt with family stress. Although many elements of family stress are comlex and delicate, there are a few universal things that can help you with relation to your family. 1. Be direct. Say what you need to say as clearly as possible. Avoid vague and confusing…
The Value of the “Circle Breath”
There are over 2000 organs and hormones that can be affected positively or negatively in a matter of minutes by shifting your breathing patterns. When it comes to your brain, taking quick, shallow breaths usually signals the brain that a threat exists, which stimulates a stress response, and therefore destructive thinking…
Improve Your Life with the Stress Tracker Today!
The Stress Tracker app is a perfect tool to help you take charge of your emotional, mental, and physical health. Dr. Bonnie Strickland, former President of American Psychological Association, remarks on the Stress Tracker: “For those who want a simple, inexpensive and effective tool for identifying and managing stress,…
Stress Management and Self Regulation Part One
SELF REGULATION Self-regulation is the deliberate adjustment of your physical, mental, and emotional state to fit the circumstances of the moment. You’ve done it many times. Remember as a child how often your parents told you to “Hurry up!” “Calm down!” “Not so loud!” ” Think carefully!” “Go to sleep.” “If…
Could Internet Addiction Lead to Additional Stress?
Have any of you ever thought of taking an internet vacation? Lately, there has been talk all over the internet (ironically) about buzz words such as “tech detox” or “unplugging” or “internet-induced ADD.” This past Saturday, March 24th, was National Unplugging Day. In a recent Huffington Post blog, Beth Arnold writes…
Caregiver Stress: Is Your Health Suffering?
For anyone who has cared for another person, whether it is a parent, a child, or a friend, knows that it can take a toll on the health of the caregiver. According to, caregiver stress appears to affect women more than men. About 75 percent of caregivers who report feeling…
Two Keys to Releasing Tension
From my years of extensive study in pain, stress, and anxiety I have learned that there are a few key ways that the body and the mind can work together to reduce stress and decrease pain levels. It is critical to remember that you always have a choice in how you…
Top Tips for Dealing with Work Stress
1. Prioritize tasks. Focus on what must be done now, then move on to other things. 2. If you are having trouble focusing, take a quick walk. Stretch. 3. Be moderate with coffee. Remember that a little caffeine goes a long way. Too much will make it more difficult to focus. …
Are You Burning Out in Dead End Jobs? Featured
In the beginning, your job seems perfect: it is the solution to all your problems, you have high hopes and expectations, and you would rather work than do anything else. If this describes you, be wary. You’re a candidate for the most insidious and tragic kind of job stress: burnout, a…
Are You in the Wrong Job?
Some people anguish for years in the wrong job, when they could be doing something they really enjoy. Don’t let this be your situation! Here is a quick checklist to help you evaluate whether you should consider a career move: 1. Take a moment to write down the skills and abilities…
Are You Burning Out in Dead End Jobs?
If your job seems perfect in the beginning, the solution to all your problems, you have high hopes and expectations, and would rather work than do anything else, be wary. You’re a candidate for the most insidious and tragic kind of job stress– burnout, a state of physical, emotional, and…
Spring Cleaning: 3 Easy Tips to De-Clutter and De-Stress
You have heard these words before: “Simplify, Simplify, Simplify.” But how? With so many demanding responsibilities, it is difficult and confusing to streamline your life. However, there are a few simple things that you can do that will give you instant results and help to clear your mind and de-stress. 1. Clean…
Back To Basics: Evaluating Priorities Featured
In middle school, I thought it would be cool to play a musical instrument, and picked the clarinet. My wise parents rented one rather than buying it, and I started practicing. (In the garage because it sounded pretty screechy.) After a week or two of doing scales, I got bored and…
How to Center Yourself Featured
1. Watch your diet. Notice what foods feel good, which do not. Your body will tell you what it requires. Usually, denser foods-meat, chicken, fish–have more of a grounding effect than grains, vegetables, or fruit. I’m not a big meat eater but if my body announces, “I need a hamburger,” I…
Top 10 Ways to Destress and Look Your Best
1. Make beauty rest a priority. A new study from researchers at the Karolinska Institutet in Sweden published in the prestigious British Medical Journal showed that when given a choice, people thought individuals with more sleep looked attractive! 2. Develop a skin care ritual before bedtime. There is research to suggest…
7 Ways Inadequate Sleep Affects You
Gwyneth Paltrow, who recently looked stunning at the Academy Awards alongside Robert Downy Jr. as they presented the award for Best Documentary, told interviewers that she “looks like she has been hit by a truck” after just a single night of bad sleep. Here are a few surprising ways that lack…
Stress Relief: Why Consistent Sleep Routines are Crucial
Stress Relief: The Science Behind Routine, Consistency, and Discipline In a recent blog on sleep, happiness guru Gretchen Rubin points out that we give children set bedtimes, so why don’t adults give themselves bedtimes? And why don’t adults hold themselves accountable and develop discipline when it is time…
Stress Relief Community: Are You Too Hard on Yourself? Featured
Most people know their less than wonderful qualities, such as too much ambition (or too little), a weakness for wine or cookies, something of a temper, or an annoying tendency to rattle on about pet interests. We usually know when we make mistakes, get the facts wrong, could be more…
Fear Stress Storms Part 2 of 3: The Five YAHOO Questions Featured
Last week we talked about two key ways to quickly de stress when we begin to feel overwhelmed, overburdened, or that things are spinning out of control. This week, we will talk about re-training our brain’s thought patterns to avoid irrational choices and self-destructing behaviors. Key Principle: Leaning and re-learning are…
Meditation in Action: 3 Steps for Living in the Presen Featured
Last week we talked about retraining the brain to avoid irrational thoughts and counterproductive behavior patterns. This week we will talk about the importance of experiencing joy and living in the present moment, and how this is crucial for preventing stress and fear from ruling your life. 1. Celebrate. The…
Beauty without Botox Featured
In all of my years working with stressed patients, one of the things I have noticed is that when my patients start getting their stress under control, they look much better. Here are a few ways that stress can negatively affect your appearance: 1. Hair. One of the big…
How Stress Affects our Hair and Skin – 7 Effects of Chronic Stress
1. Stress can speed up aging. Although wrinkles are part of the aging process, stress can speed up the process of aging through excess inflammation. 2. Stress Can Lead to Acne. When stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenalin are elevated, our sebaceous (oil) glands produce excess oil. This…
Forgiveness and Stress Relief
The English poet Alexander Pope once said, “To err is human, to forgive is divine.” I agree! According to Fred Luskin, the author of Forgive for Good, forgiveness boosts the immune system, improves sleep, reduces anxiety and depression, and lowers blood pressure. In short, bitterness and/or unforgiveness is poisonous….
Kettle bells for stress relief
Establishing a regular regimen of exercise is an important component of managing stress. Over the past two years, I have taken up Kettle Bell training at my local gym. It is a great way to strengthen your core muscles. As you strengthen your core muscles, the alignment of your spine will…
Stress Relief Community: De-Stress by Stretching
I recently took a ballet class after a long hiatus. Afterwards, I was so relaxed, and I wondered whether it was the exercise or the stretching that made me feel so calm. It was probably a combination of both! I began researching the effects of posture, poise and stretching on stress…
Stress and Longevity: 7 Tips for Practicing Mindfulness
In a New York Times article by Katherine Bouton, a longevity study that spanned 80 years revealed that the best childhood personality predictor of longevity was conscientiousness. After reading The Longevity Project, the author took a casual survey of friends and relatives asking them what personality characteristic they thought were…
How to De Stress in a “Fear Stress Storm”: Part One of Three Featured
Training Your Brain: Two Key Ways To Cope with Anxiety What are confusion and fear stress storms? You know you’re in a stress storm when you can’t rationally talk yourself through a situation that you know is irrational. For example, you know (in reality) that your family will be perfectly fine…
Stress Relief Community: How Good Posture Can Relieve Stress
The Implications of Bad Posture for Stress Management You may be wondering what posture has to do with stress management. Well, it turns out that it has more to do with stress relief than you might think. When a person is stressed out or fatigued, he or she will…
I am here for you!
I have been passionate about offering an alternative to traditional psychology since 1975 when I became aware of the power imbalance between physicians and patients and between psychotherapists and clients. Too many times, the doctor had an opinion and told the patient what was wrong. Sometimes the doctor was correct and sometimes not. …
Are You An Anxiety Or Worry Addict? Featured
Our world is in the midst of an emotional meltdown. As a psychiatrist, I’ve seen that many people are addicted to the adrenaline rush of anxiety, known as the “fight or flight” response, and they don’t know how to defuse it. An example of this is obsessively watching the news about…
7 Foods that Directly Combat the Stress Response
7 Foods that Fight the Stress Response 1. Oily Fish The brain is 60% fat, so it is crucial to supply the brain with healthy fats, particularly omega 3 fatty acids. Many studies have linked a lack of omega-3 fatty acids to anxiety, elevated stress levels and depression. Also, instances of…
Stress Relief Community: Personal Thoughts on Anxiety
Over the past week I have been reading the work of Michael Gelb, author of Brain Power: Improve Your Mind As You Age. There are several principles in this book that are very helpful for stress relief and anxiety. At the top of that list is the idea that we…
The Most Powerful Mineral For Stress Relief
An antidote to Stress This simple mineral “is an antidote to stress, the most powerful relaxation mineral available, and it can help improve your sleep,” says acclaimed metabolism expert and functional medicine doctor Mark Hyman. The mineral in question? Magnesium. Dr. Hyman calls magnesium the most powerful relaxation mineral available….
The Mysterious Link Between Stress Relief and Water
In a recent study, minor dehydration (about 1-2% below optimal levels) was a factor in headaches, energy levels, stress levels, mood and cognitive function. For more on the study, see: What is most striking about this study is that the women were mildly — not severely – dehydrated. Their water…
One Easy Thing You Can Do Today To Relieve Stress
We all know that sleeping well, eating a healthy diet and getting regular exercise helps to manage and relieve stress. But our mental attitudes can greatly determine how our bodies respond to stress. Stress Relief: The Science Behind Gratitude In the findings of the Research Project on Gratitude and Thankfulness,…
Can Extreme Stress Shrink Your Brain?
According to a recent study from Yale University, researchers found that extremely stressful events in life – such as a death, divorce, or the loss of a home – can shrink the brain, reducing grey matter in regions linked to emotion and other physiological functions. People had gone through…
Seven Simple Steps to Combat SAD
Many of you may be more sensitive to light than you realize, and your mood, sleep patterns and stress levels may reflect it. If you find yourself feeling fatigued, stressed, or constantly craving simple carbohydrates (like pastries or cinnamon rolls), and these symptoms tend to come out at the onset of…
Five Ways to Spin Stress to your Advantage
We are so used to thinking of stress only in a negative context: words such as “overwhelmed,” “stressed out,” or “anxious” come to mind. However, stress is neither inherently good nor inherently bad. In fact, it is how you deal with stress that determines whether it is positive or negative. The…
Five Hidden Things that are Making you More Prone to Stress
We know that when we are stressed, the sympathetic nervous system is activated in a “flight-or-flight” response. But what happens when this response is activated day after day, even when there is no imminent danger? This is called chronic stress, the type that is linked to heart disease, impaired immune system,…
Managing Holiday Stress: Post-Thanksgiving Resolutions
I am someone who is particularly prone to the negative side effects of stress. I have experienced a range of symptoms, from hair loss to general anxiety. With the end of Thanksgiving and the approach of Christmas and New Year’s, I am determined to manage my stress levels more…
7 Holiday Shopping Tips and Strategies
One of the most stressful aspects of the holiday season can be the task of shopping. It can be overwhelming when you look at your list and think of the many family members, friends and colleagues you need to buy for. In order to make it less stressful, here are…
Top New Year’s Resolutions: Change just one thing
It is January 6th, and some of us may already be discouraged, having already “broken” our New Year’s Resolutions. We have the best of intentions: exercise 3 times a week, eat healthier, get your finances in order, spend more time with your spouse. And then you are back…
Resolving to Reap the Benefits of Exercise
As I mentioned in my Thanksgiving post, I do not exercise enough. In fact, I have rarely exercised at all over the last few months. Knowing the benefits of exercise has been key to motivating me to do something. Over the last few weeks, I started jogging for…
Talk therapy for stress
I have a therapist that I see once a month, and I can’t say enough about having someone who is ‘outside my loop’ that will listen to my fears, concerns and plans and can see them objectively without the emotions I’ve attached to them. It seems that when I get a…
How will I know when I’m Above stress?
Lately I’ve been feeling pretty calm in the face of difficult situations for me- I was late to several important meetings, meeting someone new in a completely new place for me, standing up to the ex-husband, looking at my dwindling finances. These are not new things that place stress on me,…
The stress of clutter
Searching in a pile of papers for a label for a box due to go out, discovering a piece of paper that should get mailed and realizing I need to find another piece of paper that gets sent with it or the first is worthless, searching for the overdue library books…My…
Stretched Too Thin
Does anyone else out there tend to over-book themselves? I do it constantly. Problem is, it’s not always with work-related tasks. I over-book social commitments as well. For example, a month ago, I told a friend who was coming in from out-of-town that I’d go to dinner with her two of…
Taxes Are Never Fun . . . Oh Yeah, And They Can Be Stressful Too
I’m willing to bet that all children at some point before they reached the age of 13 thought to themselves, “It will be great once I get out of school, because then I will never have to do homework again.”As you grow older and you realize that different professions require different…
Money has a way of disappearing…
Ever notice that as soon as you’ve paid off some bills and might actually be able to start saving a few pennies that other things begin to fall apart? I’m pretty sure my car can sense when I’m starting to get my financial footing. I was finally able to put…
Being at the Mercy of Technology
My career revolves around technology. I am a video editor and as such, I work on a computer no less than 9 hours per day. Gone are the days of tape to tape editing so every little thing about post-production, from start to finish, is done in the box. When the…
Honk If You Love Stress
This can be counted as Part II of my “Road Rage” blogs, even though I had no intention of following up my previous blog entry “Traffic Jam When You’re Already Late”. Of course, though, I ran into the angry typical Massachusetts driver I spoke about in the aforementioned article.I wasn’t even…
‘Ex’ stress
My ex husband woke me this morning with a phone call.He’s stationed at an airbase in south Japan. He wanted to let me and the boys know that he was okay and that he’d be there for the duration of his assignment (about 1 1/2 more years). I was glad to…
Traffic Jam When You’re Already Late
Living in Boston, one of the biggest causes of stress, provided you have a car, is traffic. If you don’t have a car, it’s still a big issue for you. Boston has some of the worst traffic in the world, and probably some of the worst drivers.This is coming from someone…