Test Stress


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New Relaxation Exercises Added to the Stress Tracker!

We have really exciting news: we have just updated the Stress Tracker app to include Progressive Muscle Relaxation Exercises and a Guided Imagery Exercise. These exercises are lead by renowned stress management experts, Dr. Lyle Miller and Dr. Alma Dell Smith, who bring to the table more than thirty years of experience…


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Frequently Asked Questions (Stress Tracker App)

How does the Stress Tracker work? How do I record my Stress Level? How do I make entries for information that is related to my level of stress? Can I customize the information I enter?  How? Am I required to enter additional information other than the level of stress? How can…

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Rage Management Program Added to Stress Tracker App

Rage Control Program for Women Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed by demands, pressures, and expectations in your life? Do you wish that you could have gotten help sooner and prevented a total meltdown? Dr. Frank Lawlis, Chairman of Dr. Phil’s Scientific Advisory Council, has developed the Rage Control Program for…


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Improve Your Life with the Stress Tracker Today!

The Stress Tracker app is a perfect tool to help you take charge of your emotional, mental, and physical health.    Dr. Bonnie Strickland, former President of American Psychological Association, remarks on the Stress Tracker: “For those who want a simple, inexpensive and effective tool for identifying and managing stress,…

Stress Tracker - Stress Scale

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