New Relaxation Exercises Added to the Stress Tracker!

strack-icon512We have really exciting news: we have just updated the Stress Tracker app to include Progressive Muscle Relaxation Exercises and a Guided Imagery Exercise.
These exercises are lead by renowned stress management experts, Dr. Lyle Miller and Dr. Alma Dell Smith, who bring to the table more than thirty years of experience each in stress management. As co-founders of the Biobehavioral Treatment Center in Boston, Dr. Miller and Dr. Smith personally use these exact same exercises as one of the tools to treat stressed out patients in their clinic with remarkable success rates. In fact, the very exercises added to the Stress Tracker were recorded during live patient treatment sessions.
The following relaxation exercises have just been added to the Advice section of the iPhone Stress Tracker: 
- Progressive Muscle Relaxation exercise (male voice) 
- Progressive Muscle Relaxation exercise (female voice) 
- Guided Imagery Relaxation exercise (female voice).

Relaxation ExercisesAbout Guided Imagery

Exercise is an instant, powerful technique that can take you out of the stressful situation and calm you, by suggesting to yourself an internal state of being.  This then helps the body to return to homeostatis, which is the mechanism that regulates body functions. Read more about Guided Imagery here: /relaxation/guided-imagery

About Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Experts consider this simple, effective technique as the most useful for those who describe stress anxiety as making them “uptight” or tense.  It is a technique that releases muscle tension, through deliberately tensing and then relaxing sixteen different muscle groups in turn, at the same time paying close attention to the feelings associated with tension and relaxation.

Read more about PMR here: /relaxation/progressive-muscle-relaxation
Useful link: or please update the Stress Tracker app via your Apple App Store.

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